Crop Insurance

Protect Your Farm Operation With Crop Insurance
- Margin Protection
- Yield Protection
- Whole Farm Revenue Protection
- Actual Production History Policies
- Revenue Protection
Multiple Peril Crop Insurance
Federal Crop Insurance, featuring:
Revenue Protection (RP)
Yield Protection (YP)
Actual Production History (APH)
Area Revenue Protection (ARP)
Area Yield Protection (AYP)
Margin Protection (MP)
Livestock Programs
Federal programs insuring livestock:
Livestock Revenue Protection (LRP)
Livestock Gross Margin (LGM)
Pasture, Rangeland and Forage Insurance
Drought protection for specific fields:
Hail and Wind Insurance
Crop Hail:
Basic/Deductible Hail
Companion Hail
Production Hail
Harvested Stored Grain
Crop Wind:
Wind (Lodging)
Extra Harvest Expense (EHE)
Private Crop Insurance Products
Products offered through private crop insurance companies:
Replant Option (RPO)
Late Plant Option (LPO)Â
Crop Fire
Private Revenue Products​​

Essential items should be on all producers’ minds: how will volatility in input and output prices affect the bottom line? What opportunities and challenges does this present?
Watching input costs, particularly in the labor, fertilizer, and fuel markets will be extremely important. No one size fits all, but managing expenses this year will be important, even with high, albeit volatile, output prices. In this Outlook, we provide more color and context to the essential questions above.Â