Meet Trisha Lillie
Conterra Ag Southwest Lending Expert
Trisha is extremely knowledgeable and experienced with the overall agriculture markets in the Southwest region. Trisha can meet with you and discuss your operation and tailor a lending solution for your specific needs.
Trisha Lillie
VP Relationship Manager
Southwest Region
Trisha Lillie is an ag lending expert in the southwest region with over 16 years’ experience in ag lending. Trisha has history of building long-term relationships with farmers and ranchers in the southwest and provides solutions for financing needs for ag producers in Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nevada and Utah. She has managed diverse portfolios ranging from dairy, row crops, permanent plantings, to produce and nurseries. Trisha has spent her entire career dedicated to supporting farmers & ranchers in the agriculture industry.
In 2016, Trisha graduated from the Pacific Coast Banking School. Trisha is an Arizona native, with a degree in Agricultural economics from the University of Arizona. In her free time, she enjoys cheering on the Wildcats and hiking the beautiful mountains around Arizona. She has even checked off a bucket list adventure of hiking Kilimanjaro, ask her about it sometime!
Contact Trisha to learn more about how Conterra help your farm or ranch operation.
Trisha Lillie
VP Relationship Manager
Southwest Region
Trisha Lillie is an ag lending expert in the southwest region with over 16 years’ experience in ag lending. Trisha has history of building long-term relationships with farmers and ranchers in the southwest and provides solutions for financing needs for ag producers in Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nevada and Utah. She has managed diverse portfolios ranging from dairy, row crops, permanent plantings, to produce and nurseries. Trisha has spent her entire career dedicated to supporting farmers & ranchers in the agriculture industry. In 2016, Trisha graduated from the Pacific Coast Banking School. Trisha is an Arizona native, with a degree in Agricultural economics from the University of Arizona. In her free time, she enjoys cheering on the Wildcats and hiking the beautiful mountains around Arizona. She has even checked off a bucket list adventure of hiking Kilimanjaro, ask her about it sometime!
Contact Trisha to learn more about how Conterra help your farm or ranch operation.

Arizona is the Grand Canyon State with its own set of unique characteristics in regards to agriculture. Climate is a big factor for production in the southwest as conditions allow for year round production. Cattle, Cotton, Citrus are three of the most common mediums of production. Arizona is also the winter lettuce capital of the world and third largest lemon producer on the planet. Arizona is also in the top 10 in the United States for pounds of milk per cow and average heard size of 2,200 per head.

New Mexico is known for having more livestock than people in the state and it is the largest pecan producer in the world. New Mexico is a large producer of high quality alfalfa and is currently the seventh highest milk and eighth highest cheese producing state in the country. New Mexico's has diverse geography and climate which supports the various agriculture and produce throughout the state. New Mexico supplies a large portion of the countries onions and is the largest exporter of chili peppers. New Mexico has the ability to produce a large variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains.

California is the world’s fifth largest supplier of food, cotton fiber and other agricultural commodities. California produces more than 400 different crops—everything from world- renowned wines to specialty items such as almonds and raisins. The Golden State is the nation’s sole producer (99 percent or more) of many specialty crops, such as: almonds, artichokes, peaches, prunes, garlic, olives, pistachios, pomegranates, tomatoes, raisins, and walnuts. California also produces half of the U.S. – grown fruits and vegetables The Central Valley of California is one of the world's most productive agricultural regions. More than 230 crops are grown here. Its agricultural productivity relies on irrigation both from surface water diversions and from groundwater pumping (wells). About one-sixth of the irrigated land in the U.S. is in the Central Valley.

Agriculture in Nevada is one of the most important industries. Most of the states agriculture is aimed toward livestock production. Cattle and calves are Nevada’s leading industry and rank third in the nation in size of ranches averaging 3,500 acres. The Silver State is known for its mountainous and desert terrain. The main commodities in Nevada agriculture are cattle and calves, hay, wheat, and potatoes.

Utah agriculture is a diverse economy. Utah has 11 million acres in farm and ranch production. The Beehive state’s livestock industry accounts for 69 percent of Utah’s farm cash receipts. The state is also ranked second in tart cherries, third in apricots, and so much more. The main commodities in Utah agriculture is hay, beef cattle, dairy cows, sheep, barley, and various fruits.

Conterra Knows Agriculture in the Southwest
Conterra understands the challenges facing farmers and ranchers in California, Arizona and New Mexico. The diverse agriculture, specialty crops and year round production in this region create a unique set of problems that producers must deal with through out the year. Water, labor shortages and regulations are consistent issues farmers are dealing with. Conterra can help mitigate some of the challenges facing our nations food producers by providing a diverse set of financing products and services to fit the needs of almost every kind of operation.
Contact Trisha Lillie
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