Ag Lender great plains Region

Meet Luke Schultz
Conterra Ag Great Plains Lending Expert

Luke Schultz is extremely knowledgeable and experienced with the overall agriculture markets in the great plains region. Luke can meet with you and discuss your operation and find a lending solution to fit your specific needs.

Luke Schultz
VP Relationship Manager
Luke Schultz

Luke Schultz

VP Relationship Manager
Great Plains Region

Luke Schultz has been involved in Agriculture his entire life and in Ag Finance for over 20 years. “ I have toured & financed Farms and Ranches in 13 different states. It’s the most rewarding career that I could have imagined for myself!”. Luke is a 2000 graduate of Kansas State University with a BS in Agriculture. He services the Great Plains Region for Conterra in its passion for financing Farms and Ranches of the American Farmer and Rancher. Luke grew up in the Flinthills of Kansas on a purebred cow calf operation and remains a partner of that operation today.

Luke remains active in his community and industry. He is member of many civic organizations focused on Ag and helping the community and never missing an opportunity to support 4-H locally.

Contact Luke today for your next Farm or Ranch purchase or if you simply need to restructure current debt and gain better rates and terms. 

Luke Schultz

VP Relationship Manager- Great Plains Region
Luke Schultz

Luke Schultz

VP Relationship Manager
Great Plains Region

Luke Schultz has been involved in Agriculture his entire life and in Ag Finance for over 20 years. “ I have toured & financed Farms and Ranches in 13 different states. It’s the most rewarding career that I could have imagined for myself!”. Luke is a 2000 graduate of Kansas State University with a BS in Agriculture. He services the Great Plains Region for Conterra in its passion for financing Farms and Ranches of the American Farmer and Rancher. Luke grew up in the Flinthills of Kansas on a purebred cow calf operation and remains a partner of that operation today.

“ I like helping folks with their dreams. And putting a financial package together for my clients to live their dream is very satisfying”

Luke remains active in his community and industry. He is member of many civic organizations focused on Ag and helping the community and never missing an opportunity to support 4-H locally.

Give Luke a call today for your next Farm or Ranch purchase or if you simply need to restructure current debt and gain better rates and terms.  

schultz web map

Kansas Agriculture

High % of unbroke pasture ground in the eastern third. Its used for generations old Cow Calf Ranches and Summer yearling grazing(home of the Tallgrass Prairie National Reserve), Central Kansas is Wheat Country, Western Kansas is highly irrigated and houses a majority of the USA’s cattle feedyard’s and dairies. Oil and Gas Production on most farms out west. Western Kansas sits on the Ogalllala Aquifer. Beef Packing Plants located in Dodge City and Garden City due to locale of fat cattle. Main Commodities are beef, milk, corn, soybeans, milo, alfalfa & ethanol. This is also home to Luke Schultz, famous Kansan.

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Missouri Agriculture

Longer/Earlier Growing Seasons in the Southern Hills/Ozarks/Western Plains concentrates large amounts of cattle as feed stuffs are cheaper. One of the largest sale barns in the US in located in Joplin MO(multiple weekly sakes) Large amount of corn and soybeans are raised to the north, and along all the major tributaries(Missouri and Mississippi Rivers). Some swine concentrated to the north as well. Main Commodities are beef, corn(white & yellow), soybeans, hay & ethanol.


oklahoma Agriculture

With its early and longer growing season, cow calf operations are very prevalent from east to west. In most years the wheat grown in the western half is grazed by many cattle from outlying states. Oklahoma is known for “cheap gains” on yearling cattle. Oil and Gas Production is found throughout most the state and is an income driver for most ranches. Horses are raised throughout the state and many BLM horses are grazed in the NE part of the state. Main Commodities are beef, soybeans, wheat, horses & hay.

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Nebraska Agriculture

Excellent Soil Profiles and moderate climate make NE the corn state. Ample corn productions concentrates many feedyard’s and ethanol plants as well. Lots of cattle are grazed in the Sandhills in the North/Northwest. Western NE is drier with irrigated farms very prevalent. Main Commodities are beef, corn(white & yellow), soybeans, hay, edible beans, sugar beets, popcorn & ethanol.

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Colorado Agriculture

Eastern Plains are arid which makes it home to lots of wheat production and concentrated areas of cattle feeding & dairies. Water is an expensive commodity in Colorado and it is traded and priced accordingly. The Rockies are home to cattle grazing and large BLM leases for neighboring cattle ranches. Potatoes are grown in large amounts in the “Valley” region around Alamosa. Hunting and Tourism and big income producers for a lot of Colorado Ranches(especially in the Western Slopes Region). Main Commodities are beef, milk, corn, alfalfa & potatoes.

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north dakota Agriculture

North Dakota’s agriculture can be described in three words – resilient, vital, and diverse. The growing demand for ethanol and corn production used to largely confined in the corner of the state, but is now statewide. The states livestock industry is also growing with having 15% of the states cash receipts. The main commodities in North Dakota agriculture are wheat, cattle and calves, soybeans, corn for grain, and sugar beets.

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wyoming Agriculture

Conterra understands Wyoming agriculture is the way of life in the state. The Cowboy State has over 30 million acres of farmland and 11,000 farms produce commodities across the state. Wyoming’s production of beef cattle is also the biggest part of the of its agricultural industry. The main commodities in Wyoming agriculture are wheat, oats, beef cattle, and corn (maize).

“ I like helping folks with their dreams. And putting a financial package together for my clients to live their dream is very satisfying”
Luke Schultz
Luke Schultz
Relationship Manager

Conterra knows agriculture in the Great Plains region.

Conterra understands the challenges facing farmers and ranchers in the great plains of the United States. Agriculture in Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Colorado, Oklahoma and Wyoming face unique challenges.

The weather is always a key challenge in farming. Drought is most predictable in Eastern Colorado, Wyoming, Western NE and Western KS. Generally speaking anywhere water is “traded” it simply means they don’t have enough. Missouri tends to average sufficient on moisture as well as Eastern Kansas and Oklahoma. Nebraska benefits from less hot summer days and therefore corn production is amplified. Damaging Spring and Summer Storms are most feared in Eastern Kansas, Oklahoma as well as Missouri.

Economic challenges in the region tend to be cost of production and availability of products (parts, equipment, inputs) Agronomically, the challenges are water availability in the western states, grass costs (cost of owning an acre of grass) versus return on value of beef produced, rising energy costs.

Efficiency is an additional problem for farmers, primarily with labor issues (inability to find help) & attracting the younger generations to stay and “farm”. Farming is hard work and many generational farmers are finding it hard to pass on their family farms to the next generation.

Contact Luke Schultz

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