Ag Lender Eastern Cornbelt Region
Meet Darren Anderson
Conterra’s Eastern Cornbelt Region Lending Expert
Darren is extremely knowledgeable and experienced with the overall agriculture markets in the Eastern Cornbelt region. Darren can meet with you and discuss your operation and find a lending solution tailored to your specific needs.
Darren Anderson
VP Relationship Manager
Eastern Cornbelt Region
Darren Anderson is connected to his region with over 25 years of ag lending experience and industry knowledge of the Eastern Cornbelt. He considers it a privilege to work with farms and agribusinesses and the incredible people who dedicate their lives to agriculture.
Sharing his insights and expertise, Darren has taken on the role of mentor for many ag lenders. His practical experience in crop insurance and ag real estate appraisal provides a deeper insight into the needs of his clients. Darren prides himself on being a lender with integrity, and he has the track record to prove it. He is excited to bring Conterra’s diverse lending products and capital resources to the farmers in the Eastern Cornbelt.

Ohio Agricultre
Ohio has more than 74,000 farms which of half are livestock. Farming and agriculture are the number one contributor to the Ohio economy. The top 5 commodities in Ohio include corn, soybeans, dairy products, hogs and chicken eggs.

Michigan Agriculture
Michigan is the second most diverse agriculture producer behind California with over 300 commodities raised, ranked 3rd nationally for the number of farmers markets, largest commodity sector is dairy and is ranked number 1 for the production of dry black & cranberry beans.

Indiana Agriculture
Indian is number one for commercial duck production in the nation and second for popcorn, corn is the largest grain commodity produced. Corn and soybeans make up 60% of the agricultural products in Indiana.

kentucky Agriculture
Kentucky is known for grain farming, soybeans , corn, wheat and tobacco as well as poultry, cattle and for thoroughbred horse breeding (over 1 million acres dedicated to horses) Kentucky has also had a long history of hemp farming.

We Understand Agriculture in the Eastern Cornbelt Area.
Conterra understands the challenges facing producers in the eastern regions of the United States. Agriculture in Ohio, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan face many challenges like volatile weather patterns. Drainage and water management is also a problem facing many producers. Labor shortages are making it hard for farmers in the eastern regions to manage the efficiency of their operations. Conterra is here to provide financial solutions to help manage the many challenges the farmers and ranchers face in rural America. Darren Anderson is our boots on the ground expert in your area. Contact Darren to learn more about Conterra’s lending programs.
Contact Darren Anderson
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Get an estimate of your payments and fill out our short application form to get the process started. One of our ag lending experts will review your application and get back to you within 24-48 hours.